

Lewis, Marshall H. "A Logotherapy Hermeneutic Developed and Applied to the Book of Job." PhD diss., Chicago Theological Seminary, 2013.


Lewis, M. H., "Viktor Frankl’s Tragic Optimism: Meaning in Life During the Reality of War." In XIV International Scientific Conference for Students and Researchers: Applied Psychology in its Modern Dimensions Theses. Department of Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy, Psychology, and Social Work, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine, 2023, pp. 27-31.

Lewis, M.H., "Logotherapy and existential analysis: A glossary of English terms."  The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 39.  Abilene, Texas:  Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2016, pp. 108-118.

Lewis. M.H., "Amelioration of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Using Paradoxical Intention." In A. Batthyány (Ed.), Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Vol. 1. Springer International Switzerland, 2016, pp. 175-178.

Lewis. M.H., "Book Review of: Mind and Its Place in the World: by Alexander Batthyány and Avshalom Elitzur (Eds.), Ontos, 2008. Irreducibly Conscious: by Alexander Batthyány and Avshalom Elitzur (Eds.), Winter Universitätsverlag, 2009." In A. Batthyány (Ed.), Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Vol. 1. Springer International Switzerland, 2016, pp. 393-395.

Lewis, M. H., "Report on The Future of Logotherapy: The Second International Congress on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis." The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 38.  Abilene, Texas:  Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2015, pp. 111-114.

Lewis, M. H., "Logotherapy Institutes and Societies Worldwide, Part II." The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 38. Abilene, Texas:  Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2015, pp. 117-126.

Lewis, M.H., "Logotherapy and Existential Hermeneutics."  The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 37.  Abilene, Texas:  Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2014, pp. 76-81.

Lewis, M.H., "Book Review - The Ethics of Happiness: An Existential Analysis by Stephen J. Costello." The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 37. Abilene, Texas: Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2014, pp.41-42.

Lewis, M.H., "Logotherapy Institutes and Societies Worldwide, Part 1." The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 37. Abilene, Texas: Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2014, pp. 110-119.

Lewis, M.H., "Book Review – Viktor Frankl and Leo Tolstoy on Suffering, Death, and the Search for Meaning: An Existential Journey by Micah R. Sadigh." The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 36. Abilene, Texas: Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2013, pp. 114-115.

Lewis, M.H., "Congress Vienna 2012:  The Future of Logotherapy."  The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 35.  Abilene, Texas:  Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2012, pp. 124-127.

Lewis, M.H., "LogoTalk Radio."  The International Forum for Logotherapy, Vol. 35.  Abilene, Texas: Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, 2012, pp. 98-101.

Lewis, M.H., "Book Review - Something There: The Biology of the Human Spirit by David Hay."  Reviews in Religion and Theology, Vol. 15. Boston: Blackwell Publishing, 2008, pp. 218-220. (Manuscript.PDF)


Lewis, M.H.  (September 2018).  Viktor Frankl and Albert Ellis: A Model for Clinical Integration.  Presented to The Future of Logotherapy IV: International Congress on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis.  Sponsored by the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna and the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.  Moscow, Russian Federation.

Lewis, M.H.  (August 2018).  The Psychology of Viktor Frankl in Rural and Frontier America.  Presented to the 44th Annual National Association for Rural Mental Health Conference.  Sponsored by National Association for Rural Mental Health.  New Orleans, Louisiana.

Lewis, M.H.  (August 2018).  Reasons to Live: Viktor Frankl, Suicide, and the Meaning of Life.  Presented to the Frontiers in Mental Health Conference.  Sponsored by Larned State Hospital.  Larned, Kansas.

Lewis, M.H.  (April 2018).  De-escalation in Mental Health Crises.  Presented to the Regional Trauma Symposium. Sponsored by the Southwest Regional Trauma Council.  Dodge City, Kansas.

Lewis, M.H.  (September 2016).  Viktor Frankl: The Search for Meaning in Life.  Presented to the 2016 Annual Conference for Behavioral Health.  Sponsored by the Association of Community Mental Health Centers and the Kansas Association of Addiction Professionals.  Wichita, Kansas.

Lewis, M.H.  (September 2015).  Viktor Frankl: The Evidence Base of Meaning in Life.  Presented to the 2015 Annual Conference for Behavioral Health.  Sponsored by the Association of Community Mental Health Centers and the Kansas Association of Addiction Professionals.  Wichita, Kansas.

Russo-Netzer, P., Ameli, M., Schulenberg, S.E., Lewis, M.H., and Reza, P.  (September 2015).  Negotiation and Conflict Resolution:  Hope and Optimism through Logotherapy-Enhanced Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.  Presented to the 45th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies: A Road to Hope and Compassion for People in Conflict.  Jerusalem, Israel.

Hutzell, R.R., Hutzell, V.L., and Lewis, M.H.  (June 2015).  The International Forum for Logotherapy: Past, Present, and Future.  Presented to the Jubilee Twentieth World Congress on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy: Humanity’s Search for Peace and Purpose.  Dallas, Texas.

Lewis. M.H.  (March 2015).  The Book of Job and The Will to Wisdom.  Presented to the First International Logotherapy Congress in Israel: Meaning as a Path to Life.  Haifa, Israel.

Lewis, M.H.  (October 2014).  Logotherapy:  An Overview.  Presented by Defiant Power Solutions.  Sponsored by Southwest Guidance Center.  Liberal, Kansas.

Lewis, M.H.  (October 2014).  The Defiant Power of the Human Spirit:  Viktor Frankl’s Discovery for Meaningful Living.  Presented to the 2014 Annual Conference of the National Alliance on Mental Illness-Kansas.  Cosponsored by the Wichita State University Department of Psychology.  Wichita, Kansas.

Lewis, M.H. (May 2014). A Practitioner's Review of the Logotherapy Evidence Base. Presented to the Second Future of Logotherapy Congress. Vienna, Austria.

Lewis, M.H. (March 2014). Viktor Frankl and the Book of Job. Presented to the Central States Regional Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. St. Louis, Missouri.

Lewis, M.H. (June 2013). From Turmoil to Transcendence: The Book of Job and the Will to Wisdom. Presented to the Nineteenth World Congress on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy. Dallas, Texas.

Winters, M. and Lewis, M.H. (June 2013). Enacted Demonstration of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. Presented to the Nineteenth World Congress on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy Clinical Colloquium. Dallas, Texas.

Lewis, M.H. (March 2012). Logotherapy and Positive Psychology. Presented to Congress Vienna 2012: The Future of Logotherapy. Vienna, Austria.

Lewis, M.H. (April 2009). Aesthetics of the Pivot Patter. Presented to the Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary Student Theological Conference. Evanston, Illinois.

Lewis, M. H. (April 2008). The use of II Corinthians 7:10 in a cognitive therapy for depression. Presented to the Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary Student Theological Conference. Evanston, Illinois.

Lewis, M. H. (April 2008). The Dead Do Not Praise: An Examination of Psalm 88. Presented to the Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary Student Theological Conference. Evanston, Illinois.


Lewis, M.H. (June 2009). Meaning-Centered Cognitive Therapy. Unpublished manuscript submitted to the Fountain Magazine essay contest.

Lewis, M.H. (October 2005). Imago Dei: On the Transcendence of the Human Person. Unpublished manuscript submitted to the Action Institute essay contest.

Lewis, M.H. The Pivot Pattern in Biblical Hebrew. Paper presented to Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1996.

Lewis, M.H., The Interpretation of the Fourth Song of the Servant in the New Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Paper presented to Chicago Theological Seminary, 1995.